Sunday, July 24, 2011

been too long

Hello dear friend. It as been far too long. So, how are things? Well, havent been to church in ages. Not liking my job location. Just today I have been putting in applications. I am also trying to change locations to one closer to the house. I have however been going to knit group on saturdays and it has been wonderful. i havent been doing that much real knitting. The sweater I was working on will be frogged and re-started. I am currently work on a hat that is not just a plain beanie! and it is slow going; only because I dont work on it seriously. On other notes; the kids are enjoying their summer and it is almost over; just a few more weeks. Son will be in 7th and daughter will be in 3rd. just cant believe that they are getting so big. Man and I are doing well. We talk a lot more than we used to. We went on a little vacation at the end of last month and it was nice. Ok enough chatting as i have knitting to do. will chat soon.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ok, been a little while since i was here. things are well. i have been at my new store location for about 6mon and loving it. we are back down to only 1 car, thus i have changed my availability yet again, and it is limiting me from the promotion that i deserve. however, i am still working full time hours, so nothing to complain about. since the location change, we havent been going to church as much, well actual, not at all. i work most saturdays, so sundays are my only real day to get things done around the house and to enjoy some peace. do i miss church, yes! then why do we not go, that is unclear to me. anyhow, things are great. the children are healthy and doing well in school. all our needs are being met!! so, i must go as the washer just buzzed!! must finish the laundry. will chat again soon.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lost, can I be found?

Had a dream last night; or very early this morning rather. I was walking on a city street. My son was with me, and I couldn't remember were I had parked the car. I was lost. My son decided to keep walking forward; very sure he would be safe! My daughter was behind me; whereever my car was. I had to find her! I had to stop him!! I was LOST! I had a GPS in my hand, but it was of no use; as I didnt know where I was. Then a man appeared and spoke to me. He said "Everyone has a built in GPS chip; you are not lost to ME! Have faith you will find your way. Go get your son, as he is not ready to be on his own. Then walk the path that is before you. Do not stray. You will find what you are looking for." I awoke with such sadness that I had lost my daughter and my son. Then I realized that they were not lost. I was the one that was lost; as I am to guide them in the way they should go. How can I lead my children, if I do not know where I am going. This dream was an insight to what I need to do. I need to stay on the path before me. I need not stray. I will find what I am looking for. What am I looking for? Will I know it when I see it? I will walk and not stray, and see where it leads me. Thank you Jesus!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

well, the new year is half over and i havent been true to me at all. i am still working for pennies, i have not gotten enrolled in school, and my prayer life is next to nothing. i also havent been taking great care of my body either. i know that i should eat more regularly and control my portions, exercise and drink plenty of water, but who has the time to remember all of that; especially when you are trying to figure out other things like, how the bills are going to get paid, your car is going to get fixed, the title is going to get paid, daycamp and field trips paid... the list goes on. there is good news though.. the one thing i have been waiting for for a very long time finally happened. so, this year is a good year. i have a loving and supportive church family, i have a job, my children are happy and things are not as bad as they seem.. so i should just pray, let go and let God!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Socks cont.

ok. so, i am 1/5 done with my first sock and i havent touched them since. i havent been in the mood to do much knitting. not to mention, i have had to work every night this week and i have been home during the days with the children. these socks need lots of concentration and with them running around crazy, i havent had the courage to work on them. i am hoping to work on them at some point this weekend. i work on saturday night, so not sure if it will be tomorrow, but we will see. i know i was very excited and proud of myself when i finished the first diamond and i know that i will be even more excited to complete the next one.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sock, yes finally Socks!!

ok! so; yes, it has been a long time since my last post. so, why you ask, well there really hasnt been much going on to write about; so instead of just blabbering about nothing i choose not to write. well, now i have something to write about. SOCKS!!! yes socks. i have started my first pair of socks finally. i started them on saturday 12-12-09 with my local knitting group. there is a member of the group that has been knitting forever, and she has so graciously offered to knit the socks along with me and give me instructions as needed. i have chosen a toe up sock with some lace detailing as to not get bored. i purchased my yarn from and the pattern came for free (not a bad deal at all). i am making the girls best friend sock. so, on saturday, i wound my yarn and learned to 2 new techniques. i learned the 2 needles cast-on, yes i am making them on 2 circular needles and not on dpns (double pointed needles) and i learned a new make-one. i managed to finish the toe section of the first sock, what an accomplishment.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

here it is mother's day and yet another year has passed, as i sit at home alone with the children. it is just another day i suppose. this year at least dh has a good reason for not being here; he had to go to his grandmother's funeral. it was yesterday. her passing was totally unexpected. the hardest part for me during this time, is seeing him hurt. he is a strong man not emotional at all. to see him cry and not just tears but sob himself to sleep was the worst part of this whole thing. being that he isnt emotional, he isnt talkative either, and thus i couldnt get him to talk about it with me. he said i wouldnt understand his pain. she practically raised him. well, i too lost my grandmother and it hurt. i loved that woman. i lived with her most of my life, as my mother was very ill - Lupus. she was on 24hr oxygen and tons of medication. not to mention her mental illnesses. so, we (my brothers and i) lived with granny and pops most of my childhood. so, i do understand his pain, but he would never get that. so, i will let him grieve in his own way and just be here when he is done. like i always am. forever faithful. forever strong.